What We Offer
We are dedicated to providing access to reproductive justice centered resources and information in red states and fly over areas. We are open and qualified to train reproductive justice advocates, college students, physicians, doulas, non-profits or non-governmental organizations (NGO), and community members on a variety of topics. If you are interested in having us come to you, or want to work on a collaborative project, workshop, or conference proposal, please email us at [email protected]!
Trainings, workshops, and knowledge shares we offer:
- Abortion Doula
- Reproductive Justice 101
- Cervix Self-Exam
- Self-Managed Abortion Information
- Providing Support to LGBTQ Pregnant and Birthing Population
- Practical Support 101: How to Build a Practical Support Network in Your Area
- Red State Organizing 101
- Disability Justice
- Sex Worker Outreach & Organizing Strategies
- Intersections between Environmental/Climate Justice and Reproductive Justice
- On-campus organizing
- Access in Texas
- Queering Reproductive Justice
- ...and more!